Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Return

Strange faces, spitting teachers, insanely simple assignments that take three hours to complete, due dates, note-copying classmates, frightened faces, Asian invasion.
Once again I face all these things on a daily basis, for Rachel is back in College. I have moved up a step in the academic world: I am now attending a university. One of four model schools in the teaching field, listed on that one place's list of America's top 100 colleges, this university is complete with difficult classes, exciting sports (like soccer!), outrageous entertainment options (fencing? who does that?), and a large and diverse student population.
Yes, I suppose my first impressions of this city and this college haven't all been pleasent. Any adjustment is difficult. I can see many little things that, though they are small and overpowered by the negatives now, have the potential to blossom into some unforgettable awesome experiences.
Like the overabundance of runners. Morning, noon, night, anytime, anywhere, there's always joggers or runners or waddlers out in sweats and headbands. Running is so much more fun when I know I'm not being watched. While I can't ever be certain, it is pleasant to know there's a million other joggers for people to watch. Sometimes its nice to be part of the crowd.
And like all the rain. Living in a desert makes you appreciate water.
That brings us to the next plus. There's a little river barely fifteen minutes from my front porch. Incredible? I think it is.
It rained at the football game this Saturday. This is the very first time in my life I've been in a school that had a football team.
There's a lot of intelligent people in my classes. Sometimes the discussion goes way over my head. Never been there before this. Its a pretty pleasant place.
My teachers are full of character and amusing.
To top it all off, I'm seeing famous people. A visiting writer came to one of my classes today.
Yes, its not the funnest thing now, but check back in about a month when I've got some friends and you'll find a party that should have never started.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I finished out my last semester at the community college about two weeks ago. I'm proud to say I finished strong, though for a little while in there I wasn't entirely sure I was going to finish alive. I made it through finals, packed up my stuff, and headed home.
I've been doing absolutely nothing inbetween then and now.
However, tomorrow morning vacation will be over. More on that later.
For now, I just thought my reading world should know I'd survived.

To Write Love on Her Arm

So it was some stupid facebook event thing that happened today. I think it was about saving the sucidial teenagers. I'm sure you'll get plenty of info if you Google this post's title. Me, I never pass up a chance to draw on myself. After I finished it, it was pointed out to me that its kinda symbolic of Christ's love for us. The saving blood is the connecting factor, I think. I like that thought. Think we'll stick with it for now. Maybe I'll add a crown of thorns or a cross or something if I'm feeling artistic tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Return of the Hermit Crab

I recently discovered my responsibility level has decreased significantly since high school. What prompted this discovery?
You remember that hermit crab I was quite proud of acquiring? Yes. His food rotted. I put him in the back room and successfully forgot about him for about three weeks. No food. No water. No attention (not that hermits like attention, but still a sign of neglect). I assumed he was dead, and was pretty ashamed of my irresponsibility when I rediscovered his terrarium. For about a week I was too embarrassed to dig through the sand in the bottom and resurrect his dead body.
On Monday I was sitting on my bed doing homework and he crawled across the floor in front of me.
Fully alive, fully mobile, as nonchalant as a hermit crab can be, he sauntered in front of me.
I'm glad he's back, glad I didn't kill him, and glad for a second chance at being a good hermit crab owner.
It makes a pretty funny story to tell, too.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Green Mile--plus a few rabbit chases

.....Yes, another movie. Again, over three hours long. Very deep. And yes, I had homework to do that night. But it was worth it. Every moment I spend with my buddies here is worth it. I won't be here much longer (graduation: yay!).
....This movie was very intense. Ask my skittles. I got up and ran out of the room more than once. Yeah, well, I'm kinda a baby when it comes to scary movies. Its not so much the prevalence of death. Its the drama associated with it, the way they emphasized it and made me think about it. Troy was the first R rated movie I'd ever finished (I started to watch "the Reaping" with my skittles last fall, but I fell asleep after about the first ten minutes. Mostly all I remember about it is this image of a girl in the dark and screaming), and this was the second. It probably wasn't the best initiation into the world of graphic violence. I don't like electrocution.
.....But I loved the story. It was refreshing to see something obviously fantastical handled in such a serious manner. I love fantasy, magic, "miracle" stories. I think they can answer real life's problems a whole lot better than anything factual ever can. There wasn't one moment of doubt from any of the actors in this movie. No slightly shamed grins, no hidden mocking faces. All the characters in this film completely believed John Coffey, and none of them asked for an explanation. That's an important step for an audience to make if they're ever to enjoy a story: belief without explanation. Aparently this was a fairly widely viewed movie. Perhaps America is not as dumb as I thought.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Close-up: My Life's Blood

Ok, so, maybe coffee isn't exactly necessary for my survival. It's high on the list, however. (you know, like food/water, shelter, coffee, love, knowledge, ect., ect.)

I'm pretty much in love.

Close-up: the List

The list of all the homework I had to do. Seriously, there are no doodles, rhymes, or half stories. Every line at that page is a homework assignment. There's several check marks on there now. Hopefully this list will be history by Friday night.

Close-up: the CC cd

The cd my coach made our team for Cross Country regionals. A continual source of inspiration. Please note my favorite songs thereon: Almost (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYjSn15WLzU) and Rockstar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76i6aZgo2io).

My Life in a 2-foot-square Mess

I couldn't help but notice how this is the mess represents a million different aspects of my life right now. I'll point out a few that my camera couldn't catch a distance in a moment. Notice for now the scattered cds: inspiration for the first poem I've composed in months. When things get sad, I write. My time here is ending, and its a little sad. See the granola bar wrapper poking out from under a few cds and the pant leg of my jeans falling of my bed? I haven't had time to make food or do laundry, thanks to the pile of textbooks in the lower right corner. I cut off the main mass of them. The textbook in the center is actually from last year. Don't ask me why I suddenly decided it was important to review my knowledge of Raphael. I probably won't be able to answer you.
The bare foot only attests to my poor photography skills.

Dirty Words

Top Ten Reasons I've wanted to Cuss this Week:
1. Lotsa homework, very little time.
2. Unprofessional professionals who deny me the courtesy of telling me they denied my application despite its being the one and only application for the position.
3. Watching my professors stress levels during finals. It never fails to make me wonder: Do I really want this?
4. Filling out paper work and junk.
5. Wondering where I'll be living this summer.
6. Wondering where I'll be working this summer.
7. Lateness. Both at night when I can't sleep and in the morning when I can't get my booty out of bed in time to be on time.
8. The frickin stupid rosebush outside my front door that comes to life at twelve-thirty in the night and scares the bageesus out of me.
9. The fact that I am completely unmotivated to do any of the hoards of homework that's screaming down at me to "DO ME."
10. Stupid movies that make me think too hard about life and love and the everafter.


Me and my skittles watched Troy tonight. I haven't really figured out why this kick with long serious movies has to coincide with the hardest two weeks of my college career. But I'm just thinking to Life, hey, whatever, I'll still get it all done.
I think I really want to watch that movie again. There was a lot there. I still haven't figured out exactly who the protagonist was, but I'm pleased to say I'm fairly certain it fits into the genre of tragedy. Exactly who the hero with the tragic flaw is, I'm not sure. I also couldn't decide which country was the "good guys" and which were the "bad guys." The character that the story seemed to focus on, Achilles, fought for Greece, which would suggest Greece held the good guy status. But then you have to take into consideration Achilles' open despite for their king and his respect for the king of Troy. If we were going to name protagonist by love story, the first instinct would be to say Paris, or, if you will, Troy. But then there is the deeper, more involved relationship between Achilles and Mercedes. Or whatever her name was.
I think that's probably what I liked so well about this movie: its ambiguity is strikingly real to life. Their reasons for war were many and all many layered: their motives mixed and impure. Anger caused one decision, and seconds later respect caused another. Nothing in my life seems clear right now. I don't know anyone who's life seems clear. This movie, like life, was deliciously unclear.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We watched Titanic shortly after Pearl Harbor. I saw a lot of similarities. The love triangle, the danger, the movie length. I think I liked Titanic better. For one thing, it kept my attention throughout. I also liked the addition of an artist as one of the main characters. Art intrigues me. Artists intrigue me, too. They seem to have a truer perspective of the world. I certainly think Jack did.
Another thing I liked about this movie was how the characters grew. All of the characters in Pearl Harbor seemed static. While they were somewhat interesting, static people don't really exist, especially during a war. The characters in Titanic were many-layered, surprising, as real people often are.
Again, the writer could have skipped the steamy car scene. The story would have been just as sweet without it.
However, this one time, I'm going to make a safe call on the scene where he draws her "like one of his French girls." It adds an element of daring to the movie. It shows that Rose is deviating from the life and standards she once held tightly. While this particular deviation was probably not the best choice morally, the deviation on the whole was a step in the right direction. Eventually she rejected her self-centered existence completely. Her escapades with Jack were the first move in this rejection, and therefore understandable, if not excusable. Though it never shows or says it, I expect she picked up a few of her discarded manners when she realized they would not harm her.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor: a shocking historical event. Also a very long and ridiculously intriguing movie. Whne it comes to movies that are any deeper than "The Emporer's New Groove," I have the shortest attention on the face of the planet. How well it keeps me focused is my main way to measure a movie's quality. While the story was good, and the action was good, and the dude was hott and the lady was noble, Pearl Harbor did get a little long here and there. I'd give it about a six on the entertainment scale.
The plot itself was pretty sweet. Kinda your classical romance with a war-ish twist on it. I don't think the script-writer would have lost anything story-wise by skipping the parachute hanger scene: slightly intrusive, slightly inappropriate, slightly below my standards. If you have to use sex to tell a love story, its my opinion you're not a very skilled writer. Its too blatant, too physical, and not sincere enough to be completely convincing.
I have to say I liked the end. Wrapped everything up well and yet the story didn't end completely. It was a much better ending then there is in any of the short stories they've been cramming down my throat in my lit classes.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


One of our boys warming up to bat. I tried to get some pictures of them actually batting, but I couldn't see very well through the umpire.


I've no idea who this is or what they're doing, but I thought it was a pretty good picture for a phone camera. You can even see the ball if you look closely.


Butterfinger catching. He played quite a bit in more recent games.

Warming up to play

Butterfinger warming up with the pitcher before an inning.

Number 13

If I read the stats right (and I would like you to know its very probable I read them wrong), this is our best hitter. This is also at a much more recent game. The most recent one at home, I think.

Warming Up 2


Warming Up

Butterfinger walking out to catch while the picher warmed up. He didn't play much at first, or at least not when I was watching. Injury or something I think.


The first few games of the season were incredibly chilly, but bright. So yes, both the coat and the sunglasses were nessecary. But as for the gansta pose, well, I think my Skittle could have skipped that. Me and my other Skittle decided she looked like a Weird Eskimo Lady. Her nickname for the week was WEL.

The White

M&M batting in his white uniform. They wore these toward the begining of the season. Now they've moved on to blue. I have no idea if this has any significance or not.


.....My Skittles and I have a fairly new obsession: baseball. I think we've been to every home game. We couldn't always stay the entire time, but hey, five minutes is better than nothing, right? My Skittles went to a few last year, and I never went to one. But this year has been different. We've been following their progress pretty consistently. I have to admit that this is the first time in my twenty years of life that I've had any prolonged interest in a sport I wasn't in. To my surprise, I've found spectating is pretty fun.
.....The reason for our new interest? I don't really know. I'd like to blame it on the baseball boys in our bible study, but the ones we talk to the most really don't play. I think I'll just chalk it up to the M&M era and say we are going so we can find out if he's as good as he said he was. So far, he isn't. But he's really not that bad, either.
.....I took some pictures to commemorate this interest, just in case its a one time thing for me.

The very best part of my new visor, the Arby's logo on the front of the brim. You can't really read it, but its there, I promise, proudly pronouncing "Arby's" to the world.

New Uniforms

Since Arby's has been my life lately, I thought perhaps my readers would like an update on the uniforms. We got new ones. New shirts, visors, hats, even nametags. This is my new Arby's hat. Denfinately an improvement on the old one. Much brighter, and complete with the smudge of flour on in. ;)

Arby's, baseball, and life lessons learned

.....My life here in college has been entirely hectic for the past month. The last half of the spring semester is always stressful. This stress has been compounded for me by several factors: this is my first semester working and going to school full-time; this is my last semester at Colby, therefore classes are harder; I have had to search for a new college, and make provisions for moving to an entirely new town; my future roomie (one of my skittles) and I had our first sorta-fight ever; and all of this is probably why I'm fourteen posts behind the required number for my news writing class. My life seems to revolve around Arby's and baseball, and baseball and Arby's.
.....I go to the baseball games so I can survive my life at Arby's. I go back to Arby's so I can earn money and go back to the baseball games..
.....Actually that's not entirely true. I go to the baseball games because my friends go and that's pretty much the only time I get to hang around them anymore. I go to Arby's so I can earn money and finish school here at Colby without making my parents go entirely broke. But in working at Arby's, I have met some interesting characters who do get caught in a spiral pretty similiar to the one I was almost in. They work at Arby's. They hate it. They get drunk whenever they can so they can forget the bad day they had working at Arby's. When they wake up sober, they have to go back to work at Arby's so they can afford to drink, so they can survive working at Arby's.
.....I never could understand alcoholism before. I never got how on earth someone could just throw their life away, without regret and without looking back. But now that I've seen it, I do understand. Sometimes when things get hard, its easy to get tunnel vision, and to never look any farther than tonight and tomorrow. When that's all you can see, it makes it harder than heck to do anything you don't wanna do. I'd like to give some of my Arby's buddies a boost, a loan, something to get them out of their tunnel and on with life. I have no idea what I would do, however, and in all honestly its really none of my business.
.....I know one thing, though. I never want to be them. I'm more determined than ever now to finish my education and get a decent job I enjoy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Baseball Update

.....We won our second two games on Tuesday.
.....Our college played their first four home games this weekend. On Saturday we won the first game by three or four. I had to go to work so I missed most of the second game, but one of the guys told me they lost. Pretty badly. They lost again, by a single point, the next day. They redeemed themselves, however, by winning the second game on Sunday.
My skittles and I went to the Sunday games together. They were very entertaining. While baseball in and of itself is one of the more boring sports to watch, the way our team played baseball was very entertaining. Or perhaps I should say the way they incorporated music into their baseball game was very entertaining. Every guy had his own specific walk-out song that they played while they were walking up to the plate. They played music warning up before the games, they played music while the coaches and pitchers on the opposite team conferred on the field, and they played music while they waited for the ref to get his gear on. I like music. Their games were fun to watch.
.....We will face a community college from Colorado this weekend in four home games. Colorado boys are good at baseball (or so my limited observations lead me to believe). Let's hope our guys play hard.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sneak Peak

My hermit crab in his shell. Hopefully he gets over being camera shy soon and I can get a picture of him crawling.

My New Best Friend...well....sorta

.....I bought a hermit crab Friday afternoon. Its very cute, and has a toucan painted on its shell. Unfortunately, its also very shy and hermitty, and that's why you don't have a picture to compliment this text post. It came out of its shell for me a couple times on Friday and Saturday, and then last night it went and buried itself deep in the sand in the bottom of its terrarium. I don't know how it is for other people, but for me, its a little hard to take a picture of a buried hermit crab without digging it up. I thought about it, but then I figured if its crabby enough to bury itself to escape me, it might possibly be better to let it alone until it decides to unbury itself.
.....This is the first pet I've had while I've been in college, saving the gold fish I was given in a biology lab. Before I came to college, I was never without pets. As a kid I had rabbits, chickens, ducks, and cats in plenty. I got a dog when I was thirteen. When she exited my life, I moved to some smaller animals--all cast-offs from my sisters--two parakeets and two fish. I had a wolf spider my daddy caught for me, which I managed to keep alive for a little while, and a tarantula, compliments of my older sister. The tarantula is my favorite of all my small pets. Unfortunately, it died shortly after the wolf spider. Apparently they were both males and its only females of those species that are long lived. I wanted to get another spider, but my roommate absolutely refused. I wanted to get another dog, but my land-lady had a slight problem with that. I'm done with poultry and rabbits and fish for now, and my roommate's allergic to cats and birds. So a hermit crab was the best I could do.

Colby vs. Pratt

.....Long story short: we won.
.....This is a good thing, because when we loose, the baseball boys get boring. They don't exactly get crabby, just less hyper and less disruptive than usual, and my people watching hours are less entertaining.
.....Colby's baseball team played two games against Pratt Saturday, and won both. They were going to play two more games today, but got rained out. The games were rescheduled for Monday, until it was discovered that it is supposed to rain in Pratt tomorrow, too. Then they were rescheduled for Tuesday. We'll have to see how we do, but I'm predicting another pair of victories.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Worth Every Minute

.....My Skittles, Snickers*, and I drove thirty minutes tonight and I bought these pencils at WalMart. The pencils on the right are my traditional pencils. I couldn't find them at the local WalMart. I have used this particular type of Bic pencil since I started school a year and a half ago. I am particularly partial to the yellow ones: they inspire me. The minis on the left are something new. I get stuck in my own little ruts, and thought it would be smart to branch out into something new for once. I still have the security of the pencil I am used to. They were worth every minute of the hour I spent in the car tonight.
.....The original purpose of our conquest to the neighboring town was not pencils, however, but a much worthier cause: Wendy's. There isn't a Wendy's here, and we wanted square hamburgers and fries dipped in frosties. I hadn't been to Wendy's in over five years: it was absolutely delicious.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pocket Full of Sunshine

One of my skittles showed me this song. I think its my new favorite for a while. I don't think I'd mind a sweet escape to a secret place where there's only butterflies right now. A little light and sentimental maybe, but overall a very fun little song.




I have some inside information about the Arby's menu:

Chicken Tenders have been discontinued.

The new Chocolate Turnovers are absolutely superb.

The Five for Five deal has been changed to a Five for Six deal, and it just doesn't have the same ring to it.

If you find a name on a turnover, it doesn't necessarily mean the turnover has been reserved. It probably means my coworkers and I were kinda bored while we were frosting the turnovers. Its still edible, I promise.

The last Arby's news flash: there is a new camera system installed and it sees everything. If you steal a fry, we will know it.


So this post is entirely about me. This post is to inform my reading world that I do have a reason for making this post, the previous post, and the following two posts--supposing I even get that far--the rottenest posts that I have done yet. The reason? I've been sick. Like can't-get-out-of-bed, puking-up-my-guts, pretty-much-dead sick. I wasn't sure I was gonna make it through the night Monday. Well, ok, maybe that's exaggerating just a little bit.
Anyways, I went to the school nurse and got myself a bunch of pills and I am better now, besides still having the symptom of low-quality blog posting.
Oh, and I would also like my reading world to know that we have an absolutely excellent new nurse this year who treated me very nicely. The old nurse was just a little surly. I think we interrupted her life too much. This new one is younger and more willing to believe we're sick.


The baseball team split 2-2 in Louisiana last weekend. The team they played was previously undefeated, so looks like its a good deal. I don't think I'd like losing two of my first four games, but hey, I really don't know baseball. When I said something about losing before the season started M&M* informed me that "it's baseball. You can't help it. You're gonna lose games."
Butterfinger was pretty happy with the split. He said all four games were close enough they could have gone either way. He didn't get to play. Practice injury.
The boys are playing two teams in Texas this weekend. From what I hear, both of them are undefeated, too. I hope we get a few more wins.
I was really hoping that the boys would win their first five games. Some of the guys on the team mohawked their hair earlier this year, and there was a rumor that if they won the first five games their coach was gonna follow suit and mohawk his hair, too. I know the coach a little. It would have been hilarious to see him walking around with a mohawk. Maybe next year.
I'll be sure to update you on how the baseball team does this weekend.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week in Review

This week, I:

>Drove for two hours (to and from) the chiropractor.

>Drove to Topeka with my mom and stayed the night.

>Missed all my classes and bible study on Thursday, since I was in Topeka.

>Got a scholarship thingumy.


>Got sick.

>Stayed sick.

>Worked every night I wasn't out of town.

>Was given seven major homework assignments, all due at the beginning of next week.

>Slept until four o'clock one day and completely missed all oportunity to do any kind of homework since I had to go to work at five.

>Found out two of my sisters were staying at my house two hours before they showed up.

>Discovered the dirtiest guy at work likes me. yay. not. think i'm gonna kill him.

Thank you for the lovely opportunity to share, I hope you all feel very sorry for me now.

Thursday Continued

This is a mural in the capitol. It features several different historical events that either happened in Kansas or had some significant relation with Kansas. The man with out stretched arms and washed out face is John Brown. I think he's fasinating, and he definitately makes Thursday a day worth two posts.


This is the Kansas capitol in Topeka. I had the privilege of touring it. Pretty impressive, I've got to admit.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Road Trip

.....I went on a road trip this evening. Me and my skittle traveled about an hour to a small town so she could go to the chiropractor. So, while the college wasn't directly involved in this news flash, it was college related because we were traveling to get a college related injury treated. So as far as topic goes, I'd like you to know this can legally go on a college-focused blog.
.....My skittle was remarking on the way home how fun it is to visit small towns where the grocery stores are carpeted and tiny and its easier to find the library than a gas station. I agree. Revisiting tiny towns makes me feel street-wise and experienced (ya right).
.....I lived in a small town before moving to this slightly-less-microscopic town. When I first got here I was pretty thrilled with the entertainment prospects. There was a theatre, a Pizza Hut, three decent resturants, a Claire's, a Maurices, two shoe stores, and (yay!) a WalMart. After spending the last fifteen of my eighteen years in a town where the closest WalMart was an hour and a half away, I thought I was living the high life. I remember being stressed about all the trafic the first couple times I drove to school. Thankfully, my friends have drug me around to various cities and I've begun to realize that this town is actually pretty small.
.....Back to topic: we went to the crackerpracker, stopped by the local grocery store for a snack, and hunted down the gas station. Then we headed home. Thrilling news, I know.

Oh oh oh! Funny story!
So I was talking to Butterfinger* earlier, and I was like
"Yeah, what about that text I sent you?"
And he was all
"Oh, that was you?"
"Yeah, I got a new number. Oh hey do you want it?"
"I actually don't have my phone with me. I'll get it Thursday."
(seriously here, folks, what kind of jock has the nerve to be polite enough to go to class without his cell phone? Let's get with the program here, dude!)
"But I won't be here Thursday." (I have to go to Topeka for some junk)
"Oh yeah, I knew that."
"You won't be here Thursday."
(This is kinda a big deal: out-of-state trip, gonna last almost a week, their first game of the spring season)
"Oh yeah!"
and it was funny.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Pie Graph Breakdown of Important College Activities

Purple: Hanging with my skittles.

Gray: Class

Orange: Studying/doing homwork.

Blue: Sleeping

White: Filling out tons and tons of stupid applications for a gabillion things like getting into a university or getting scholarships and junk that I really hate doing.

Brown: Eating Pudding.

Green: Work Study. Fun fun.

Red: Going to Walmart. Ya, its Colby, we get bored.


.....I got to World Lit Wednesday morning a little late. Plopped into my seat and scrambled to get my paper and pencil out and answer the warm-up question on the board. As I finished it up and my teacher came around to collect it, I noticed everyone turning in two papers. I peeked over at the papers in front Agreeable*. A warm-up on one page, and a chunky paragraph on the other page.
.....Oh snap! Our thesis statements for our first essay were due! I jerked a page out of my binder. I'd hardly given ten minutes thought to the topic I'd cover in our essay. I scrawled down a single sentence that said something about comparing Nora and Antigone and strengths and character and whatever else junk I could think of that sounded good.
We got our thesis statements back Friday after an announcement about making up the points we fell short by revising them. I fully expected to be spending a good chunk of time doing exactly that.
.....I got full points for the thesis statement along with a personal note from the teacher saying she was looking forward to reading my paper.
At first I was pretty excited. I'll be the first to admit I'm a bit of a suck up and I enjoy pleasing my teachers.
.....But everything has its price.
.....I realized that there's no way around it now and I'm actually going to have to put a little effort into writing this paper...


Thursday night was bible study. We're doing a study on prayer. So far I have really enjoyed it. The discussion we had last Thursday was very thought provoking. Some really good points were made and the discussion aspect of it kept me involved. This Thursday we watched a dvd. The speaker was pretty good at keeping me listening and, considering my kindergarten-sized attention span, that's saying something.
Next Thursday is Valentines, and apparently that means deviating from the usual schedule in bible study. There's gonna be some guest speakers, couples if I remember right, to talk on love. If its like last year, they'll probably tell their own love stories and point out all the things they did right and all the things they did wrong. Last year it was really good; definitely one of the more exciting bible studies. Unfortunately for me, I have to be in Topeka this year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping some of my friends will fill me in on everything I miss.


Last Wednesday night the Trojan men defeated their opposing team in overtime. I don't remember the exact score, but I do remember it was pretty exciting to watch.
I came to the game later than usual because I'd just gotten off of work. Generally speaking, I have trouble getting into ball games. This was no exception. I sat up in the top row with a dude in one of my classes: we talked literature until my two skittles* arrived. But in between discussion on Editha and Mark Twain I did manage to notice the game was pretty close. After I moved down a couple rows to sit with my skittles I started paying better attention, but then the cheerleaders started throwing headbands into the crowd and I started noticing who had one and who didn't and, well, the best I could tell you is our boys fought pretty hard to take home a victory that night.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Just thought the world should know what a heavy load we college kids carry. Literally. Like on our backs.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday Night's Movie review

We watched another comedy tonight: Dumb and Dumber. I thoroughly expected it to live up to its title and just be dumb, kinda like White Chicks. It was dumb, but to the extreme extent that it was pretty much hilarious.
The plot in this movie was completely unreal, too. Maybe stupid plots are a thing with comedies. The humor, however, which was pretty much the whole movie, pretty much made the movie. Perhaps its possible that since I was occupied with braiding my best friend's hair I could laugh at the funny parts and ignore the stupid parts.
Anyways, I would definitely recommend choosing Dumb and Dumber over White Chicks.

Friday Night's Movie Review (a little late)

We watched White Chicks Friday night. I have to be honest here: I thought it was retarded. I'm not sure if it was the completely unconvincing plot, my distaste for movies that make me sympathize with embarrassing situations, or the less-than-intelligent humor in the movie that made me dislike it as much as I did.

For those of you that don't know, the somewhat involved plot of White Chicks lands two black FBI agents in a situation where they have to dress up as and act like two young white sisters who are very much into fashion. That right there? Anyone knows you couldn't really pull that off. Perhaps I'm expecting too much, and perhaps most audiences aren't concerned with believability, but major flaws like that make movies difficult for me to enjoy.

The humor in it was funny in some places, I can give it that. Other "funny" parts made me want to groan or duck.

Other than that, though, Friday night was fun.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


.......A committee came to the college Monday to assess how well CCC had followed up on the recommendations made for them at the last visit. I was afforded the privilege of being one of the students who talked to them. Apparently they were with the whoever-they-are people that accredit colleges, and since CCC wants to stay accredited, this was kinda a big deal. They were here to assess how well we students were being assessed, and to see if CCC was planning for the future. They questioned a few students about it, asking them to express any evidence they had seen of the duties in question.
.......Here's where this whole thing begins to get interesting:
.......We assessed how well we were being assessed so these people could assess CCC's assessment program.

.......Very amusing. Monday was a good day.