Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We watched Titanic shortly after Pearl Harbor. I saw a lot of similarities. The love triangle, the danger, the movie length. I think I liked Titanic better. For one thing, it kept my attention throughout. I also liked the addition of an artist as one of the main characters. Art intrigues me. Artists intrigue me, too. They seem to have a truer perspective of the world. I certainly think Jack did.
Another thing I liked about this movie was how the characters grew. All of the characters in Pearl Harbor seemed static. While they were somewhat interesting, static people don't really exist, especially during a war. The characters in Titanic were many-layered, surprising, as real people often are.
Again, the writer could have skipped the steamy car scene. The story would have been just as sweet without it.
However, this one time, I'm going to make a safe call on the scene where he draws her "like one of his French girls." It adds an element of daring to the movie. It shows that Rose is deviating from the life and standards she once held tightly. While this particular deviation was probably not the best choice morally, the deviation on the whole was a step in the right direction. Eventually she rejected her self-centered existence completely. Her escapades with Jack were the first move in this rejection, and therefore understandable, if not excusable. Though it never shows or says it, I expect she picked up a few of her discarded manners when she realized they would not harm her.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor: a shocking historical event. Also a very long and ridiculously intriguing movie. Whne it comes to movies that are any deeper than "The Emporer's New Groove," I have the shortest attention on the face of the planet. How well it keeps me focused is my main way to measure a movie's quality. While the story was good, and the action was good, and the dude was hott and the lady was noble, Pearl Harbor did get a little long here and there. I'd give it about a six on the entertainment scale.
The plot itself was pretty sweet. Kinda your classical romance with a war-ish twist on it. I don't think the script-writer would have lost anything story-wise by skipping the parachute hanger scene: slightly intrusive, slightly inappropriate, slightly below my standards. If you have to use sex to tell a love story, its my opinion you're not a very skilled writer. Its too blatant, too physical, and not sincere enough to be completely convincing.
I have to say I liked the end. Wrapped everything up well and yet the story didn't end completely. It was a much better ending then there is in any of the short stories they've been cramming down my throat in my lit classes.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


One of our boys warming up to bat. I tried to get some pictures of them actually batting, but I couldn't see very well through the umpire.


I've no idea who this is or what they're doing, but I thought it was a pretty good picture for a phone camera. You can even see the ball if you look closely.


Butterfinger catching. He played quite a bit in more recent games.

Warming up to play

Butterfinger warming up with the pitcher before an inning.

Number 13

If I read the stats right (and I would like you to know its very probable I read them wrong), this is our best hitter. This is also at a much more recent game. The most recent one at home, I think.

Warming Up 2


Warming Up

Butterfinger walking out to catch while the picher warmed up. He didn't play much at first, or at least not when I was watching. Injury or something I think.


The first few games of the season were incredibly chilly, but bright. So yes, both the coat and the sunglasses were nessecary. But as for the gansta pose, well, I think my Skittle could have skipped that. Me and my other Skittle decided she looked like a Weird Eskimo Lady. Her nickname for the week was WEL.

The White

M&M batting in his white uniform. They wore these toward the begining of the season. Now they've moved on to blue. I have no idea if this has any significance or not.


.....My Skittles and I have a fairly new obsession: baseball. I think we've been to every home game. We couldn't always stay the entire time, but hey, five minutes is better than nothing, right? My Skittles went to a few last year, and I never went to one. But this year has been different. We've been following their progress pretty consistently. I have to admit that this is the first time in my twenty years of life that I've had any prolonged interest in a sport I wasn't in. To my surprise, I've found spectating is pretty fun.
.....The reason for our new interest? I don't really know. I'd like to blame it on the baseball boys in our bible study, but the ones we talk to the most really don't play. I think I'll just chalk it up to the M&M era and say we are going so we can find out if he's as good as he said he was. So far, he isn't. But he's really not that bad, either.
.....I took some pictures to commemorate this interest, just in case its a one time thing for me.

The very best part of my new visor, the Arby's logo on the front of the brim. You can't really read it, but its there, I promise, proudly pronouncing "Arby's" to the world.

New Uniforms

Since Arby's has been my life lately, I thought perhaps my readers would like an update on the uniforms. We got new ones. New shirts, visors, hats, even nametags. This is my new Arby's hat. Denfinately an improvement on the old one. Much brighter, and complete with the smudge of flour on in. ;)

Arby's, baseball, and life lessons learned

.....My life here in college has been entirely hectic for the past month. The last half of the spring semester is always stressful. This stress has been compounded for me by several factors: this is my first semester working and going to school full-time; this is my last semester at Colby, therefore classes are harder; I have had to search for a new college, and make provisions for moving to an entirely new town; my future roomie (one of my skittles) and I had our first sorta-fight ever; and all of this is probably why I'm fourteen posts behind the required number for my news writing class. My life seems to revolve around Arby's and baseball, and baseball and Arby's.
.....I go to the baseball games so I can survive my life at Arby's. I go back to Arby's so I can earn money and go back to the baseball games..
.....Actually that's not entirely true. I go to the baseball games because my friends go and that's pretty much the only time I get to hang around them anymore. I go to Arby's so I can earn money and finish school here at Colby without making my parents go entirely broke. But in working at Arby's, I have met some interesting characters who do get caught in a spiral pretty similiar to the one I was almost in. They work at Arby's. They hate it. They get drunk whenever they can so they can forget the bad day they had working at Arby's. When they wake up sober, they have to go back to work at Arby's so they can afford to drink, so they can survive working at Arby's.
.....I never could understand alcoholism before. I never got how on earth someone could just throw their life away, without regret and without looking back. But now that I've seen it, I do understand. Sometimes when things get hard, its easy to get tunnel vision, and to never look any farther than tonight and tomorrow. When that's all you can see, it makes it harder than heck to do anything you don't wanna do. I'd like to give some of my Arby's buddies a boost, a loan, something to get them out of their tunnel and on with life. I have no idea what I would do, however, and in all honestly its really none of my business.
.....I know one thing, though. I never want to be them. I'm more determined than ever now to finish my education and get a decent job I enjoy.