Thursday, May 1, 2008

Dirty Words

Top Ten Reasons I've wanted to Cuss this Week:
1. Lotsa homework, very little time.
2. Unprofessional professionals who deny me the courtesy of telling me they denied my application despite its being the one and only application for the position.
3. Watching my professors stress levels during finals. It never fails to make me wonder: Do I really want this?
4. Filling out paper work and junk.
5. Wondering where I'll be living this summer.
6. Wondering where I'll be working this summer.
7. Lateness. Both at night when I can't sleep and in the morning when I can't get my booty out of bed in time to be on time.
8. The frickin stupid rosebush outside my front door that comes to life at twelve-thirty in the night and scares the bageesus out of me.
9. The fact that I am completely unmotivated to do any of the hoards of homework that's screaming down at me to "DO ME."
10. Stupid movies that make me think too hard about life and love and the everafter.

1 comment:

Rachel Ann said...

you shouldn't cuss