Thursday, May 1, 2008


Me and my skittles watched Troy tonight. I haven't really figured out why this kick with long serious movies has to coincide with the hardest two weeks of my college career. But I'm just thinking to Life, hey, whatever, I'll still get it all done.
I think I really want to watch that movie again. There was a lot there. I still haven't figured out exactly who the protagonist was, but I'm pleased to say I'm fairly certain it fits into the genre of tragedy. Exactly who the hero with the tragic flaw is, I'm not sure. I also couldn't decide which country was the "good guys" and which were the "bad guys." The character that the story seemed to focus on, Achilles, fought for Greece, which would suggest Greece held the good guy status. But then you have to take into consideration Achilles' open despite for their king and his respect for the king of Troy. If we were going to name protagonist by love story, the first instinct would be to say Paris, or, if you will, Troy. But then there is the deeper, more involved relationship between Achilles and Mercedes. Or whatever her name was.
I think that's probably what I liked so well about this movie: its ambiguity is strikingly real to life. Their reasons for war were many and all many layered: their motives mixed and impure. Anger caused one decision, and seconds later respect caused another. Nothing in my life seems clear right now. I don't know anyone who's life seems clear. This movie, like life, was deliciously unclear.

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