Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Return

Strange faces, spitting teachers, insanely simple assignments that take three hours to complete, due dates, note-copying classmates, frightened faces, Asian invasion.
Once again I face all these things on a daily basis, for Rachel is back in College. I have moved up a step in the academic world: I am now attending a university. One of four model schools in the teaching field, listed on that one place's list of America's top 100 colleges, this university is complete with difficult classes, exciting sports (like soccer!), outrageous entertainment options (fencing? who does that?), and a large and diverse student population.
Yes, I suppose my first impressions of this city and this college haven't all been pleasent. Any adjustment is difficult. I can see many little things that, though they are small and overpowered by the negatives now, have the potential to blossom into some unforgettable awesome experiences.
Like the overabundance of runners. Morning, noon, night, anytime, anywhere, there's always joggers or runners or waddlers out in sweats and headbands. Running is so much more fun when I know I'm not being watched. While I can't ever be certain, it is pleasant to know there's a million other joggers for people to watch. Sometimes its nice to be part of the crowd.
And like all the rain. Living in a desert makes you appreciate water.
That brings us to the next plus. There's a little river barely fifteen minutes from my front porch. Incredible? I think it is.
It rained at the football game this Saturday. This is the very first time in my life I've been in a school that had a football team.
There's a lot of intelligent people in my classes. Sometimes the discussion goes way over my head. Never been there before this. Its a pretty pleasant place.
My teachers are full of character and amusing.
To top it all off, I'm seeing famous people. A visiting writer came to one of my classes today.
Yes, its not the funnest thing now, but check back in about a month when I've got some friends and you'll find a party that should have never started.